We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
About this product
- Gently cleans and assists the general detoxification process
- Benefits the digestive tract and blood
- Generates a sense of well-being
- Note: *not for those with elevated blood pressure
Super Herbal Detox is a gentle and safe, yet powerful combination of cleansing herbs. It is often an ideal way to begin any herbal program just to start things off in the best way. Super Herbal Detox helps with the general detoxification process, targeting the digestive tract and the blood in particular. It is so gentle, you can actually do it for longer period of times than regular detoxes. The Program:
Call us at 800.901.0656 or email For best results, this detox should be done three times per year.
Recommended Dose: 3 capsules twice daily for 2-4 weeks. If this formula makes you feel really great and you want to continue using it longer that a couple of weeks, that is alright. However, it is not a formula to take everyday for life. We would suggest limiting it to 1-3 months and then taking a month off before you do another 1-3 months.The main ingredient in Super Herbal Detox is Licorice. In a recent study, Licorice was found to remove more than 600 known environmental toxins from the body. This powerful formula should be used for short-term cleansing only. Warning: Super Herbal Detox is not recommended for those with high blood pressure. While small amounts of Licorice have been found to help balance blood pressure, larger amounts can have the opposite effect. This is the only Radiant Wonder formula with licorice as its chief herb, though many of our formulas contain it in very small amounts. It has been found that small amounts of licorice can help harmonize and balance an herbal formula, allowing it to be more effective but still very safe.