Note from Radiant Wonder
We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
About this Product
Adaptogen. Traditionally famous for these benefits: More sexual fluids for both sexes, increased sperm count, healthier eggs, blood builder, fuller healthier hair
- Famous Adaptogenic rejuvenation herb
- Helps increase sperm count and egg health (ovum viability)
- Supports growth of healthy, strong hair and nails
- Builds nutrient-rich blood
- Supports the liver and adrenal system
- Moistens intestines for better bowel health
- Gentle detoxifier
- Supports deep restorative sleep
This herb is widely considered one of the greatest rejuvenating herbs in the World. Ho Shou Wu is known as the herb of energy and longevity. It is always used in beauty formulas for hair and nails. Ho Shou Wu is restorative for those recovering from big physical and mental challenges, especially medical procedures.
Ho Shou Wu is also believed to be one of the most profound sexual vitality and fertility herbs, demonstrating benefits for both men and women. Studies have shown increased sperm count for men and ovum(egg) health for women with increased sexual fluids for both.
Full Spectrum Extract Ho Shou Wu root 12:1 P.E. 350 mg