We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
Thinker's Energy Tonic is named for those who use it the most—powerful successful people who enjoy working hard thinking quickly and making clear decisions. Thinker's Energy Tonic brings balance to rest and activity allowing strong action during the day and calm sleep at night.
- Builds blood
- Calms the mind
- Nourishes blood
- Improves, Strengthens & Benefits digestion
- Reduces anxiety and worry
- Assists your clarity of thoughts
- Enhances energy
It strengthens digestive function builds blood and calms the mind and heart.This is one of our most remarkable formulas. It develops dynamic energy and alert calmness at the same time.
It is famous in the orient as a body builder's tonic because it boosts the body's ability to manufacture blood and build muscle. Thinker's Energy Tonic is also excellent for anyone who wants to enjoy a life with intense mental activity. Intense mental activity requires a great deal of energy and can interfere with smooth digestive functioning. A strong digestive system is required to extract from our food the nutrients we need to maintain nourish and repair the entire body.
Even the highest quality diet can lead to problems such as blood deficiency if your digestive system is weak.Help your body build blood: Take Thinker's Energy Tonic, eat lots of cooked or juiced dark green leafy vegetables.
Cut back on ice-cold drinks that shock the inside of the body eat a good protein-rich breakfast with something hot to drink (no cold juice cold milk cold yogurt first thing in the morning) and do our Hot Water Detox once a week. Simply do this for a month and watch your energy begin to change!
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes if the body does not derive the ''vital essence'' it needs from food the heart is not properly nourished. This can lead to unnecessary tension and anxiety. Thinker's Energy Tonic works to improve digestion and elevate mental and physical energy. It also has the effect of calming the spirit and quieting the mind. The result is smooth energy and calm alertness—the perfect combination for success is life.
Women especially need blood tonics. They are losing blood every month. And working hard burns not only energy (chi) but also blood. So women of all ages can find wonderful benefits with Thinker's Energy Tonic.
There are women out there whom have difficulties getting pregnant that are merely suffering from blood deficiency. When you are blood deficient (Chinese Medical term) you are not necessarily anemic it may be a sub-clinical condition. It does not show up on a blood test. However it will show up on your tongue. Your tongue body will be pale pink in color (the middle of your tongue).
Athletes of any sex find this formula of great value. When muscle is growing it creates more capillaries to feed the new muscle. This creates a greater demand for blood. As you can see this formula is appropriate for anyone from about age 13 on to the senior years. The blood supply is the supply of building materials for the entire body.
This formula not only provides the greatest blood building herbs but also maximizes the body's ability to absorb the nutrition it is getting. Thinker's Energy Tonic is one of the greatest formulas in all of classical Traditional Chinese Herbalism.