Note from Radiant Wonder
We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
Link to Recommended Product (Balance)
Link to Recommended Product (Super Fertility #6)
Link to Recommended Product (Thinker's Energy Tonic)
About this Product
Each one of our Bringing Back the Cycle programs is slightly different because the reason you aren’t having a cycle is not always the same as it is for your best friend. We are not all alike!
It is important to be having a cycle, and a regular natural cycle. *Having a natural regular cycle is not just important for fertility.** It is a measure of your health, a vital sign.***
Symptoms: This program is designed for you if you have a combination of symptoms that are typically created by pushing yourself to do as much as you can. Life can demand that from us. It is a chronic situation that has been going on for years. It depletes your adrenals, and diminishes your blood quality. Because your nervous system is also worn down, you might feel a subtle undercurrent of unease or anxiety.
Most important: the constant (chronic) tension also depletes energy. Your body needs a good level of energy to operate normally. Your body needs a good level of energy to heal. Sometimes there is also the factor of feeling cold often. Cold slows down the circulation of energy and blood. Feeling cold can be a major obstacle for the reproductive system.
1. Why do you think your hormones caused this problem?
When you stop having a cycle your hormones always go out of balance. When the cycle returns hormones rebalance.
Our approach is to concentrate on balancing the symptoms you are feeling. As symptoms balance hormones balance. This is the approach of Eastern Medicine. And our customers will tell you it works.
2. What happened? Why is your period missing or irregular?
Your body is not keeping your period away to punish you. Maybe your body is trying to protect you.
Maybe there was a trauma in your life. Maybe you have stopped the birth control pill or HRT and your body is still recovering. Maybe you don’t have a way to release stress so it builds up internally. Maybe, like PCO or PCOS it is diet-related. Maybe you are so tired and depleted your body doesn’t want to lose the blood it needs for energy. Or maybe you are so cold that there is not enough warmth and good circulation in the reproductive organs.
Can you see that you have never been tested for most of these issues?
And yet one of them may be the root cause of your cycle problems.
Our approach is not to try to substitute herbs for hormones. What you will learn is how to resolve your symptoms. And as symptoms resolve, you can simultaneously feel the cycle wanting to start again. Even when it has been missing for many, many years.
The way to choose an herbal program that will suit you is to study the symptoms. If two seem close, choose the one that seems the best choice.
These four bottles are a special healing team, all four working together to build blood, calm the central nervous system, strengthen digestion, and deeply nourish the adrenal system. Each formula has a special role to play.
The program is designed to last 45 days. (one and a half months)