Note from Radiant Wonder
We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
About this Product
Brings immediate relief when hot and dry environments affect the voice- Instant recovery for strained vocal cords
- Promotes moisture in lungs and throat
- Brings back full vocal power
- Great for anyone who uses their voice to make a living
Precious Voice is a remarkable formula that speeds the recovery time from overworked or strained vocal chords and from laryngitis. If your job depends on your voice--whether you are a singer teacher sales person or actor--Precious Voice is an unbelievable ally. If the lung energy is weak and the body is dry from heat (fever stress dry environment) the voice will be affected as will your energy.
This formula moistens the throat and strengthens the voice. It is miraculous and works quickly. Perfect for loss of voice hoarseness laryngitis. It is appropriate for overuse working in a very dry environment or for damage from a cold or other illness. Click on the picture below and let jazz musician Chris Bennett tell you how she shares this formula with all her singer friends and why.
www.ChrisBennett.comThis formula moistens the throat and strengthens the voice. It is miraculous and works quickly. Perfect for loss of voice hoarseness laryngitis. It is appropriate for overuse working in a very dry environment or for damage from a cold or other illness. Click on the picture below and let jazz musician Chris Bennett tell you how she shares this formula with all her singer friends and why.Precious Voice is also helpful if you live in a dry climate or with dry heat in your house. If your sinuses mouth throat or lungs get too dry many imbalances can occur--allergies respiratory problems or constant thirst with no satisfaction. Precious Voice can bring immediate hydration.Tips to help you heal faster:
1. Drink hot water or a honey lemon hot tea often during the day. Not too much lemon (see #7). Hot water hydrates soothes and loosens the muscles. 2. AVOID COLD FOODS AND DRINK. Cold is a shock to your muscles. It will slow down your healing. 3. If you feel your voice is failing and you have to use it make a hot Precious Voice tea in a thermos (honey can be added) and sip on it between sets if you are a singer or as you are lecturing if that is your job. Open 3-4 capsules and pour the contents in the thermos for every 8 ounces of water. The herbs in this formula are very safe. There will be no negative side effects.
4. Rest your voice (of course you know this!) as much as possible.
5. Favor breathing through your nose not your mouth. Breathing through your mouth is drying. Strained vocal cords do not like too much dryness.
6. No nuts no nut butters no chocolates before you sing teach or give your speech. Little pieces of nut can inhibit the movement of the vocal cords. The other foods will create lots of sticky mucus and strain your voice trying to expel the mucus.7. Acid is hard on your epithelial tissue (the tissue of your vocal folds). Both tea and lemon are acidic. This is why we say use very little lemon in your traditional honey lemon drink. Regular tea also dehydrates the body. It is a diuretic. So it can create more dryness.
The perfect formula to partner with Precious Voice for strong lungs and a clear voice is Youthful Lungs. Precious Voice is a fabulous rescue formula. Youthful Lungs is a daily formula to use to develop such strong lungs and voice that you do not lose your voice at all. It is also a great immune builder.