Note from Radiant Wonder
We no longer manufacture this product. Below you’ll find a link to a high-quality product alternative - personally researched and approved by Amanda. We do not profit from purchases made from these suppliers. We want to make sure you have the best quality herbs you can trust for your healing journey.
About this Product
Calms the fire of hot flashes and mood swings
- Relieves heat that feels like menopausal hot flashes but may not be
- This may be the heat created by a combination of chronic stress and eating habits
- Detoxes blood and clears inflammation
- Excellent for clearing rashes
- Very calming and soothing
Clear Heat is a safe and gentle, yet very effective formula. It is a gentle detox formula to clear what Asian Herbalism calls internal heat.
Internal heat makes you feel hot even though your temperature is normal. It can cause eruptions through the skin, hot flashes, irritability, frustration, even anger.
Undetected minor inflammatory conditions may cause heat in the body. Additionally, you might experience a feeling of heat without having a fever. This heat may be causing the inside of your body to feel warm in some people, while in others they have a heat sensation on the face or just in the upper body.
Western Medicine does not have a diagnosis for this condition. Our Clear Heat formula is gentle enough to be taken long term if needed. Whether the results of this formula are immediate or gradual, the improvement becomes very dramatic as the body re-balances.
Take this formula for as long as you need whether it is 6 months or a year to provide support and relief while your body re-balances. Eventually you will not need the formula.
Reducing the following foods in your diet will speed the healing process:
- Alcohol
- Fried foods
- Spicy foods
- Too much sugar
- Foods with processed sugar
- Eating too much of anything before you go to bed